Client: I can’t look at future partner stuff yet, I need to do something about valuing myself. I think I’m almost there. There’s something missing though.
Facilitator: Ok. [Has no idea what to do.]
Client: Oh! So sometimes I feel superior and sometimes I feel inferior to these men.
Facilitator: [Oh!] Would you like to look at the part that feels superior and the part that feels inferior?
Client: Yes.
Facilitator: You said the green one was you. Which ones are the inferior and superior parts?
Client: The yellow one can be the inferior one because that one feels inaccessible. The brown one can be the part that feels superior because that one feels dull and boring. Who are those two behind me?
Facilitator: Hmmm.
Client: Oh, my parents, ok.
Facilitator: Which do you want to go to first?
Client: The inferior part.
Facilitator: Go ahead, what do you sense?
Client: I’m immediately feeling waves of nauseating rage, feeling a whirlwind of times when I was put down by my family members. I don’t feel like they can take me down this time though. I’m furious I let them then. [Client continues to express anger.] Whoa, sorry, could you follow that?
Facilitator: Yes, it was an honor to witness. Thank you.
Client: ::smiles::
Facilitator: How does it feel to acknowledge this part?
Client: Really good, the rage feels tempered down now and there's clarity…my head is clear. I want to go to the superior part.
Facilitator: Ok.
Client: I immediately feel something hollow. The brown is like a mud encasing. It’s not good or bad, just hollow.
Facilitator: I feel the hollowness in my belly.
Client: Me too. The mud is melting now and becoming ground beneath me. It feels stabilizing even if uneven. Both of these parts are so isolated.
Facilitator: Well-noticed.
Client: [::narrative::] …confidence… [::narrative::]
Facilitator: I heard you say confidence. Does confidence belong here?
Client: [Starts to cry] Confidence integrates these parts.
Facilitator: Wow.
Client: My heart is here. I want to express my love.