How my Grandma Martha holds me

My Grandma Martha holds onto me from right behind.

Her arms wrapped around me.

Me. Me just as I am. Just as I am.

She follows me. As I dance around.

First she just sways right there right there behind me

And then she dances with me.

She dances with me. From right behind me.

She’s been trying to get in there for some time right behind me.

“I want to hold you with nourishment and nurturance, my sweet wild Mattie dear!”

It’s the holding I’ve been missing! I do declare!

She doesn’t leave me when it matters.

When does it matter?

It matters when I’m doing well.

It matters when I am succeeding.

It matters to me to be held when I am doing well.

She knows success intimately.

So she isn’t intimidated by my success.

She birthed six children, you see!

She created a garden, home and big family.

She was taking care of all of her kids, husband and mother at the same time!

May the embodiment of her success flow down to us all more freely!

Especially to her great-great grand daughters!

She’s right there with me, holding me in all of my and life’s complexity.

all the complexity.

Success is the face of my father’s mother.