answering the call

When the call is answered

There is a death to the seeking

To the feverish fleeing

To the indiscriminate receiving

Don’t misinterpret the discomfort of this freedom

And grab for more

Insight and believing

Instead, lean in

To just enjoy

This sensual wide-bodied piece of completion.

Where the dares have been recollected

Where the convergence has occurred

Where the lost wildness has been found

It’s time then to come forward

Into the spiral

Into the haze

Continue forward

In the tumult

In the responsibility

Continue forward

In the imposible idiosyncracies!

Keep going

With room, too, for the rejection

The blame and blunders

The foils, faults and flaws

Keep going

Not forgetting to pause for decay, separation and integration

Keep going

Keep renewing where your mutant individuation

Meets your invaluable belonging

Where your impatient I can’t wait anymore!

Meets your slowly earned wisdom

As you keep on loving, living and creating

Keep sanding, sharpening and softening what is your contributive best

What of you is needed when and where?

Cowboy or wrangler?

Accompanist, conductor or arranger?


In the death of a person, place or thing

There is a peace

Can you stay with it?

Can you hold it?

Can you stand with it?

Right next to it?

Listening humbly and respectfully?

Can you stay there?

Can you hold wonder and awe?

Stay in a way embodying undemanding play?

Beware of the backwards tilt!

The kind that’s not contained in a rocking chair

Swaying you back and not forward

The nostalgic seduction of old wounding!

Whether your liability is entanglement or seclusion

Stay low in gratitude by thanking the trees each day

Give cheap distraction the cold shoulder

Gather your soul’s weight

And then stand there with it now

Hands on your hips

Everyone right there with you

Shoulders back

Head up high

Proceeding as if success was your fate.