Stability is always relative. Duh. The Big One knows this. The Little One is too busy drafting escape plans to know this. She does not bow to any fate. Heck no. She does not surrender to destiny. She steers the bloody ship! It’s safer to be the brains of the origin system than develop her own.
Precocity is not cute.
Stability is always relative. Yikes! Like what, we’re always susceptible to uncertainty, volatility, complexity and ambiguity?
Vulnerable to the other’s defense, rejection, assault, lust and deification?
“Look, it’s better the devil you know,” the Little One sighs with faux-wise self-satisfaction.
Stability is always relative. Hmmm. Especially if abandonment is a thing. But no one can abandon you. Except maybe your parents. Not other people, no. They can only leave you. Because of your fangs. Their snaggletooth. Your toward. Their away.
They left me first! It doesn’t matter. Bow to the fate of it. Yours and theirs. Y’alls.
OK. How do you leave? No one knows how. There are no rules. There is no manual. No set of tenets can contain the infinite situational and character nuances. Maybe try to stand facing forward both separately and together. Try to leave in time to not eradicate respect and gratitude. Both that kind that is earned and that which is intrinsic in the not-yet-realized quantum influence.
I hate you!
…Ugh, I am that, too…
I love you. Thank you.
Thank you for traveling with me so darn far! Wow! It’s been an honor and privilege to see and feel the star-stunning miracle that you are. Thank you for being part of my never-ending death praxis. I will smile at you from that just-right loving distance
Stability is always relative. No one and nothing can take your weight away from you though. Especially when you’ve taken your place and your weight is behind instead of in front or on top of you. So compost the pain. Grieve the loss. Make art. Recollect your weight. Let go of the icky sticky loyalties. Incorporate your experience into the breadth of your existence.
Better guilty for leaving than thwarting your freakish green fuse.
Integrate your parts. Yah, that real nightmarish one too. Again and again. That’s it. Keep going now. What a beautiful system of becoming you’re creating. Don’t forget to hold dear the fractal beings in your emergent belonging and appreciate something extra those who have been able to stick around.
Don’t look. Close your eyes. Sit down! Be quiet! Plug your ears!
Stability is always relative. Staying awake, aware and feeling keeps me present down here. My expression moves me and my people forward. And if I must look up, I bow to the stars that brought me here.