I Got Rhythm

… I got rhythm

I got music

I got my man

Who could ask for anything more?

John, my babysitter’s husband and Battle of the Bulge veteran, was a musician, a pianist. Leah was supposed to marry the doctor, who her father approved of. At the last minute, she broke off the engagement and married John, her choir director, instead. 

.… I got daisies

In green pastures

I got my man

Who could ask for anything more?

Leah and her girlfriends would intentionally get out of line in the chorus to fluster John. She told me this story probably fifty times and it never got old. 

… Ol'Man Trouble

I don't mind him

You won't find him

'Round my door 

Leah came on Wednesday nights. She would prepare Kraft Mac N Cheese Deluxe, for Justin and I. The story goes that she didn’t want to come more than the one time,  she was older and was done with babies and little kids. However, Leah was hooked when, at age 4, after suggesting that he clean up his toys, my brother replied, “Isn’t it about time for you to go home?”

… I got starlight

I got sweet dreams

I got my man

Who could ask for anything more?

Who could ask for anything more?

I’m five years old, in kindergarten. John invites me to see the high school musical that he’s directing: Girl Crazy. I’m so excited and feel it in my belly. I haven’t felt recognized like this before. I’m not giddy about it. I feel serious in my delight. Maybe all of my steadfastness has paid off. John invites me, just me. And the show is on a school night! Leah picked me up, thirty minutes away from the orange country house that my parents built. She didn’t stay to watch over me. She quickly dropped me off as soon as we saw the doors to the school’s theater.

“OK Mattie, John’s in there, have fun!”

… Days can be sunny

With never a sigh

Don't need what money can buy

John introduces me to his students. They did not baby me. In that way, they were kind. I was not greater or less than them. I was impressed by their talent. They were impressed by my sweet and serious self-sufficiency. 

… Birds in the tree sing

Their dayful of song

Why shouldn't we sing along?

After watching the last rehearsal, I found my seat in the audience all by myself. I look down at my shoes and socks. White socks with ruffles. Keds that have rainbow-colored pianos on them. I feel good. I didn’t really like these shoes before but now I do. Because it has all come together now. Not an integration but a convergence. I feel, at once, adorable and a bit more grown up. How did I get here? This is amazing. 

… I'm chipper all the day

Happy with my lot

How do I get that way?

Look at what I've got