I find ease in facilitating family and systemic constellations because I can trust the field of our collective intelligence to do the work. I don’t have to do anything. My work is to stay out of the way. And I don’t mean just cerebral intelligence. My essence is in the room, all of me is already there. I trust the field to give everyone what they need. And I receive what I need too.
It’s experimental, I don’t have the answers. I have to listen with wide curiosity in order to attune with respect.
It’s not completely safe: healing, freedom and individuation. People who were a part of intact cultures risked their lives in rites of passage in order to earn their belonging and individuation. The elders chose for the youth when it was their time. The elders were long-attuned to the field of the village; its needs and its people.
In order to change, we might have to feel scared, frustrated or disappointed. We might have to feel the grief of small and large goodbyes within and without. Change includes all of that.
A family constellation is a celebration. Here we are. We agreed to come together to find freedom from and freedom to. We move around with gratitude, tenderness and respect. We listen. We practice balance and order. When the glimmers are a little bigger than the triggers, we can move.
And the cookies help, too.