spirit, make me congruent, make me a resource

We want to work with these times in many different ways.

It’s important to know how to feel good, play, appreciate, make love and trip the light fantastic. It’s also important to know how to widen our capacity to be disillusioned and the meet the moment we are living in with a devotional seriousness.

Keith Aaron’s Transformational Coaching - Actually transformational. I’ve worked with him for a year and a half. I thought I had the embodiment piece down. I didn’t really. I’m gratefully deep in that groove now.

Matthew Stillman’s Poetry Course - When I attended the first time, I reconnected to what’s real and alive in me. When I attended my next time, I deepened inner counsel while in the liminal between the urban and rural. In the current one, I’m accessing reinvigorating life force through aspirational devotion to Red. Let the poems get in you, and they just might enchant or reconcile a thing or two for you. I’ve known Matt for 8 years.

Clarinda’s Matriarchial Marketing - Clarinda actually comes from a culture. (American is not a culture.) Actual indigenous wayfinding. I’ve been connected to her for 5 years.

Idola Stellarum’s Talismans - astrology & psychology minus superficial / predatory bullshit equals Magic. Sirius & Venus. #iykyk

Engage with the material of great liberatory writers beyond one-off (often white-washed) trending quotes. James Baldwin’s Nothing Personal essay is a good one.

Reesma Menakem’s book The Quaking of America.

The whole abuse of power / narcissism thing isn’t just an individual pathology. People without a culture, without an attachment to land, tend to attach to imbalanced personality dynamics. People racialized as white are behind. We need embodied reps to build our capacity to confront and be a part of the change. I love the practices in this book. Repetitions to fortify our minds, thicken our skin and soften our hearts. Until we’re dead.

People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond - One of the most potent anti-racist experiences available from a 40 year old organization. Understand structural inequity. Go from stunned to serious.

SURJ Showing Up for Racial Justice - Affinity group for white folks serious about undoing racism. I’ve been connected to them since 2016. Just sign up and show up.

Have you widened your worldview yet to be aware of the racialized imperial structure that we’re steeped in? This grounding will help you quake less, understanding the left and right are closer than they appear.

And of course, singing, dancing, and other art-making.

Oh and Constellations and other consultations for soul-nourishing balance and order repetitions with yours truly.