are you gatekeeping from us around you, gathered?
fearful that your well-woven wounds might cheapen in the hands and mouths of shallow artifice?
thrown around flippantly like a freebie?
aghast! the hungry ghosts clog the psychopomps
greed enters the field.
the wave scatters into particle
resonance collapses
greed sniffs out what’s been dug up by somebody else
“it’s my turn, damnit!”
greed, scarcity and incompetence’s consort,
forgets that nothing vibrates without, first, a ferment
fixated with safety,
greed glances left and right, looking to grab onto anything
generosity enters the field.
particles recompensate into waves
parts no longer seen in their small form
formlessness precedes everything!
greed scowls in unrighteous indignation
generosity laughs with too much love, “how adorable!”
still stuck in dyadic gatekeeping
gratitude enters gallantly
gifting a current that with levity, lessens gravity
when witnessed in plentiful approval
both become right-sized, fervent in their creativity
next arrive 4, from 7 generations back
from the formless, an arc, a gateway is formed
content turns essence
love and life flow through
a six-sided star, sextiling
people, parts, and waves trine, serving simply
the chaos agent signals
great mother stabilizes
the line collapses surrendering to what’s cyclical