There isn’t a fast track to things like
These do not have end points and they happen iteratively. Attempts to quicken these usually delay them.
On the slow track, deepening presence to meet the moment just as it is is the only “short cut.”
When we find surprise euphoric integration, it’s usually the long-time-coming together of many threads. To make it last, we often need to practice it. Practice the mindset or movement. Materialize the image at the speed our body.
We learn more from imperfect experience and relationship. We learn more from mistakes once we’ve sat with them, once we’ve courageously felt the self and other consequence. Once we’ve forgiven ourselves. We become more and more capacious to contribute once as we iteratively compost abuse and neglect.
When others hold steadfast a stance of respect and curiosity towards us, they activate our immune system. When someone trusts that we can manage our own lives, no matter what is going down, we find ourselves more able to meet the raw tenderness of our moments.
The gift of non-judgmental witness lets us have our own process, on our own time…which often quickens it.
In family constellations workshops, we practice slowing down, absorbing the healing power of stillness and silence and slow respectful movements. When we agree to a stance of collective curiosity, our experiences ripen into self-regard and wisdom. When people agree to our gifts, we become more intimate with our craft and contribution.