
My life’s work is to promote the evolution of consciousness.

I’m an artist, writer, family & systemic constellations facilitator and soul-centric guide.

I’m informed by:

6 years of Family and Systemic Constellations philosophy immersion

12 years of professional leadership development coaching, first for a business school in Italy and since, 2016, in my own business

7 years living in the culture of Italy

8 academic terms teaching university students leadership development in Italy and NYC (UG & MBA)

4 years working in international education in Europe, Africa and Asia

Developing, accrediting and teaching a 60hr ICF professional coaching course

Ongoing composting of familial and other systemic adversity through art and play

Non-dualism praxis

Wilderness rites of passage

Meditation (for presence - not the imperialist productivity and control model)

Ongoing undoing of complicity in and internalization of systems of oppression

My life’s work is dedicated to my older brother, Justin, who is systemically marginalized in his intellectual disability and emergently abled for the future that doesn’t put cold intelligences above warm intelligences. My brother taught me how to love. Everything I learn leads me back to his example.

Personal experiences of several years of coaching, psychodynamic therapy, silent retreats, wilderness retreats, dance, ceremony, ritual, plant medicine, business school, protest, community advocacy, astrology, tarot, womanist literature, applied neuroscience, ancestral healing, and more.

My experience is that it’s the how more than the what of our experiences that allow change and movement. Grieving and receiving. Approaching different balms, salves and medicines with deep intentionality, reverence for where they come from and without rabid consumption and exploitation. We must allow the journeys and initiations to fully digest and integrate with spaciousness and not binge on them from a place of desperate lostness. The point is to receive and connect more deeply to our deconditioned selves. We must remember that even the best, most integral intentions still find us making mistakes in impact that can contribute to oppression in overt and subtle ways. Courageously being part of the solution right now includes messing up, feeling fragile and noticing defensiveness in our interpersonal and larger interactions.

Yeah, we’re in it.

What doesn’t catalyze a wholesome aliveness? Vacant cerebral platitudes that we pick up and regurgitate in blind service to the ego - whether they’re philosophical, political, podcastical, scientific or spiritual. People are magnetized by authenticity. Our influence rises when people feel the embodied truth of our words beyond what merely sounds good.

Aliveness is not chasing highs. Aliveness is intentional and part of an iterative conscious convergence journey.

My method is inspiring an evolutionary mindset employed by a multi-disciplinary skillset. I don’t have the magic pill, system nor tenet. Every human is their own ecosystem deserving an equally unique and rhythmic expression.

My gift to you is seeing beyond all of your cultural and societal conditioning. Seeing your most resplendent parts without denying your darker parts. It’s my thing in that it’s effortless for me. I have to do it. I can’t really turn it off. To help you grow what’s passionate within and possible without. To own your shadow and light in equal measure.

I assist in bringing the wild sleeping giants within to life. I see parts begging to be expressed. Together, we look at all aspects of who you are - a container of alchemy including all things loving, joyful, sad, mad, serious and silly.

This is not simply a personal journey to find yourself. We do this work because to not do it betrays what the world needs from us. We do this work to inspire a better world for all through our courageous confrontation and integration of our multitudes. All of the selves must be seen. At the same time, our higher purpose is to find pleasure and power in committing to a life that’s about more than the self . We answer the globe’s desperate call to commit to more village-mindedness without sacrificing self-expressive individualism. Both. All at once.  

Grief. awe. dimensionality. congruency.

life as ceremony.

Let’s lean into that compassionate fierceness required for the wild roads ahead.


Amanda Batista, International Education Professional

"My sessions with Mattie brought out the most introspective, reflective, thoughtful, spiritual version of the person I knew I could be. Her gentle guidance but intentional questions and directives were exactly what I needed to feel more connected to my authentic self, to learn to listen to my inner guide, and to set myself up for a living a more mindful life. Mattie was the catalyst that propelled a major shift in my life, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. If something has brought you to Mattie's site, and you are considering working with her, consider that enough of a sign to do it."

Paula Arcaro, International Education Consultant

“At a pivotal moment in my life Mattie guided me to see my thoughts clearer than I ever thought possible. Mattie was a calm, guiding light in a tumultuous sea and led me to shore. Her open mind and warm heart along with expansive knowledge and motivational intentions allowed me to grow and TRULY see my own potential. Every conversation I had with Mattie led me to a knew light, opened a new window and created a new fire inside me to grow and become a better version of me than I knew was possible. My spirit was dormant, and now, she erupts with passion and life from Mattie’s practice. Thank you!”

Maureen White, Non-Profit & Social Justice Consultant and Coach

"Working with Mattie has been a huge boon to my professional, personal, and creative life.  Her coaching helps me to see clearly where I am stuck and how to get where I want to go.  Her humor, grace, empathy, and wisdom make me look forward to every single session.  Mattie is the kind of person you definitely want on your team!"

Dr. Kenneth Brown, Associate Dean, University of Iowa’s Tippie College of Business

“I came to Mattie with a desire to become more mindful on a daily basis, to help manage stress from a new work role. Our coaching sessions helped me develop new ways of thinking and gain confidence to handle the demands of the new role. The value of the coaching far exceeded my expectations.”

Adam martin, men’s erotic mentor & artivist

“I most treasure Mattie's adeptness and intuitiveness when I find myself on the other side of something I was resisting within myself - reactionary behavior or a theme that permeates relationships and choices. She helps me heal the losses and build resilience. She has helped me in sifting through my stories and defenses both in the moment and in retrospect. Each conversation guides me towards a more purposeful (even if uncertain) future. Mostly, I'm thankful to Mattie for providing the tools, mindset and confidence to do the work on my own.”

Astrid Montuclard, Human Development Researcher and mindfulness educator

”Working with Mattie is a deeply formative and empowering experience. I believe that she is doing immense much good in this world. While working together, feeling how much she cares about me is easy. Mattie supported me through the difficulties of starting a new life in California. Most importantly, she was able to lean into every discomfort with me. As a result, I feel more resilient and confident as I continue walking my life journey. I cannot recommend enough working with such a humane and compassionate coach as Mattie.”

Leadership development for the soul®

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