The Soul-Centric Compass

The Practical Sacrament of Courage 

A year-long partnership in pleasure, power and purpose.

You were put on this planet with something undeniably essential and astonishing to offer.

Something deeper than a job or a relationship role. 

A deeply resonant and specific human essence. 

Are you ready to do that?

“Yes, my existence is that important, Mattie.”

Let’s get very honest with each other.

You know you could make huge shifts in your family, in your organization, in the world … but it doesn’t ever quite seem to come to completion. And, even when it does, it feels off. Maybe just a little bit... or maybe like you’re pushing a boulder up the world’s biggest mountain. Brute perseverance is no longer cutting it.

Life is fine. You’ve built an amazing life from the outside in, but there’s an undeniable hollowness in the middle. “Fine” no longer fits.

You know that to make more of an impact for the future of the planet, you need an even better fit. 

And, if you’re honest, you feel like nobody cares about you on the deepest level — because nobody truly knows you.

You’re not alone.

So many of us move through this life hesitant, unsure, and reactive, oscillating between anxiety and avoidance, between faith and disbelief, hedonism and activism. It keeps us playing small, and globally, stuck in the status quo. To change that, it’s not enough to go on a juice cleanse, participate in a spoonful of coaching or training here and there, or even encounter some psychedelic plant medicine. 

To truly make a change, you have to redefine pleasure, power, and purpose.

These are the three fundamental drivers of our behavior, the foundations of our humanity. Get them all right, and in balance, and your life snaps into clarity. You experience more ease and effectiveness. Your life becomes purposeful and deeply satisfying, because you’re living as a whole person.

But we’re so steeped in the toxicity of the status quo that we very often reject one or all of these things.

— We long for pleasure — but we settle for what’s merely acceptable or rudimentary release. We seek pleasure grounded in fantasy and illusion instead of embodied truth and delight. 

— We crave and fear power in equal measure. We’re so steeped in toxic notions of dominance and abuse that we shy away from it — and yet, it’s necessary if you want to truly embody your purpose in the world.

— We are obsessed with purpose — and yet, we often spend a lifetime thinking about it, trying to get it perfect, before we actually start practicing it. 

Your life is your practice. What are you practicing?

Most people move through the world unconscious of the full effects they have in it. But just because you are unconscious of it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I believe you have a responsibility to become aware of the effects you’re having and to make the conscious choice to become deliberate — at choice — in the way you show up in the world.

When you do, you have the thrilling and terrifying opportunity to become a fully-realized, on-purpose human.

There is nothing more important in your life. That’s why you were born: to embody this essence and live in service of it.

And the exciting news? You’re probably much closer to it than you think.

You need someone to reflect, clarify and claim it with — and above all, practice it with. Because thinking good thoughts (super important!) and hoping for the right conditions is only part of it. You need to take intentionally-claimed, aligned action for which you are held accountable. Until then, it’s all just directionless reactivity.

I want that depth of clarity and commitment for and from you.

I want you to get what you want — and even more importantly, to truly know what that is. Whether it’s the promotion, the partner, or the payout, let’s get it. (More into the meaning of life? We can do that too.)

And, big picture, I want you to have the clarity, focus, and accountability you need to start living a fully-realized life. A life where you feel freedom in the container of your commitments.

I want to give you the tools to communicate in the way required to reach the next level. To write the email, the text or the letter. More importantly than the language however, the embodied energetic legitimacy underneath. To reframe the mistakes. To ask for the raise. To get more needs met by your partner. To start reading again. To get organized about your integrity. To finish the business plan. To feel consistently motivated. To take care of yourself. To be civically engaged. To do your part in cleaning this planet up. To get decluttered online and offline. What is it that you desire most? We’ll focus on that and then delight as the secondary drivers fall into place around it. 

All with equal doses neuroscience and woo. We’ll conquer fog and distraction by intentional design.

As you might guess, this does not happen overnight. In fact, it takes a whole year to truly unpack your relationships with pleasure, power, and purpose; and from there, choose how you want those relationships to function for you going forward, and practice actually living into that. It takes a year of intensive work to reorient; for your soul-centric compass to take form.

When you’re in my world, you’re in my world: quantum entanglement. Synchronicity. This deep-dive intense work is my best work. I only have a few clients at a time working with me in this way. I love so much going all in with you. I love being your fairy-godmother, older sister, cheerleader, coach, guide and scribe all at once. I love watching the revelatory sensation beget sincere soulfulness.

It’s a year-long, one-to-one partnership in which you and I confront, detoxify, and heal your relationships with pleasure and power so you can live on-purpose.

(Feeling a bit anxious? That’s your soul begging you to surrender to transformation. I tend to trigger that.)

The result of The Soul-Centric Compass?

The chance to live a life that actually feels as good on the inside as it looks on the outside. The clarity required to truly make a change in your world (no matter how big or small you want that change to be). And ultimately, the shifts and steps you need to truly step into your place on the planet.

That’s a big promise. And I can get you there.

Who am I?

I’m Mattie Clark. I am a soulful woman of peace trusting life completely. That is what I have claimed in my decision to live as an initiated adult on planet Earth. I live with a rich yet grounded sense of pleasure, purpose and power. I know my place in the world. All of my work in the world is ultimately about promoting the evolution of consciousness. Through teaching, coaching, writing, and one-to-one work, I help people and organizations detoxify their relationships with pleasure, power, and purpose so they can move more effectively and influentially in the world in service of their deepest calling. 

Leadership Development for the Soul

Above all, I meet you where you’re at. Want to work more on linear and left brain? I’ve got those credentials with my MBA, ICF professional coaching certificaiton, and as an instructor at Boston University. More

Want to do what many call woo? We can do that too. I’ve done the nine-day silent retreat, tarantella trance dance and vision fast out in the desert. I’m well-versed in the languages of philosophy, life strategy, poetry, law of attraction and at my core - am a healer of self-worth.

Honestly, to me, it’s much the same. Two sides of the same coin. I know many people have affinities or aversions to one side or the other, but I don’t.

Here’s how our work happens:

Our year together alternates between intensive days (in-person or virtual pandemic-dependent), and ongoing bi-monthly phone-based practice. (Yes, that’s a big time commitment. We’re building your life here, not doing a one-off sound bath.)

In our first intensive, we will get clear on your what, why and how. We will ceremonialize the journey together. The time together will be customized for you in equal parts reverence and revelry. We’ll get it all on paper for sure. Maybe we’ll start with something weird like map out the city in concentric circles based on your natal chart. Or maybe we’ll forage the park for wild edibles. Or go to your favorite museum or hippied-out zen studio. Or maybe we’ll just map out all the plans, projects and things together on a spreadsheet in a loft in SoHo. Maybe we’ll brainstorm your big courageous ask while bike riding down the Hudson River. Maybe we’ll finish it all off with a beer and pizza at an Italian pizzeria. As you wish. It’s all about you and getting your signal clear.

We’ll do three more seasonal in-person intensives in the spring and fall and end with an integrative winter celebration.

In between, we’ll collaborate via:

  • 75min coaching sessions 2x/month

  • Customized educational curriculum, transformational tools via call notes, homework and communication feedback (e.g. applying your power properly to be influential with integrity)

  • Weekly Whatsapp office hours for more immediate needs (e.g. preparing for or debriefing from an important encounter)

You pay $1888 per month.

This is for you if…

— You want to be more effective in your leadership and communication. (This isn’t transactional leadership training, this is evolutionary leadership development for the soul.) This is where you get to a more effortless charismatic radiant effectiveness that happens when you embody a surety of planetary purpose.

— Something’s happened that’s shaken you up a bit. It could look incredibly small on the outside — you witnessed something seemingly minor or somebody said something that shook up your world. Or it could look big - like a death, a divorce, or a disease < all of which have a myriad of metaphorical meanings. Maybe it’s a foggy, can’t-quite-grasp-it longing. Whatever it looks like, you’ve heard the call to get more real with yourself.

— You yearn to get clear on your purpose in life. (Because otherwise, what’s it all for?) But all the one-dimensional ultra-woo or ultra-masochistic stuff isn’t working for you. And, lest you start to play yourself down and wonder if you should try to fit in that model, don’t. Your alignment and action on the planet really is that important and unique. It deserves more than a corporate retreat every couple of years and fortune-cookie advice. Let’s get it.

— You’ve been told you have intimacy issues. (And you’re willing to do something about it.)

— You’re ready to commit. This is a deep process that’s genuinely difficult, both in the head sense and in the heart sense.

This is NOT for you if…

— You’re currently undergoing a major mental or physical illness. This work is rigorous, and isn’t a fit for those situations. Take care of yourself — I’ll be here when you get back.

— You want to do this work primarily as a high-end accessory to your fancy life. This is not the kind of program where you drop the money and magically assuage your longings. If you want that, there are far more expensive, less rigorous programs you can do.

— It’s normal for the price tag to sting a bit because we are going for chrysalis here, not temporary reprieve. But this is not for you if you don’t have the resources to commit to this work, or doing so will put you in a place of genuine hardship. 

— You find yourself making excuses when push comes to shove. In our work together, we’ll take the most effective, pragmatic approach to getting you where you want to go. Questions and clarifications are always encouraged but knee-jerk “no”s aren’t going to work. The questions, recommended exercises and resources have proven track records and are not about a cosmetic “living your best life.”

— You can’t make most of the calls - something “urgent” always comes up. This work is a practice, and that requires you to show up. Resistance of all sorts is part of the process and showing up is essential. You need to be able to make at least 80% of our calls, or consider another way of working with me.

— You’re not ready to commit to this work. This is a year’s worth of deep, intensive remembering and reckoning. If you show up for that, you will come out the other side fundamentally and absolutely changed (and living less backbreaking). So make sure you really want that — not everybody does. It’s about long-term fulfillment, not intermittent happiness.

You are the only one who can do this work. 

And until you do, and until you choose to reclaim your sincere agency, you are ultimately doomed to live at effect, instead of at cause — which isn’t fully living at all. You won’t feel realization and belonging while playing it safe and only going 99% in everytime.

I want you to feel something glorious.

I want you to feel like you’ve come home to yourself.

I want you to invest so much in yourself that you run out of excuses to fully apply yourself.

I want you to feel it your mind, body, blood and bones. 

I want you to feel unprecedented depth and outrageous playful levity all at once.

I can bring you there because I’ve travelled the road.

I’m so eager to bring it to you. 

This is a lot to think about. But in the end, it’s also very simple. Because it genuinely starts with one choice…one step. One decision that you, as you are right now, regardless of what you’re missing, what you need, or how scared you are, are choosing to be ready. And letting that readiness be deeper than you ever thought required. 

Are you ready?

Call me. Let’s have a chat.

In equal parts tender and wild,
