The Language of legitimacy
A month-long course for women to increase their personal and professional impact
Next cohort starts Monday, October 20th - register by emailing
It is about the words.
Yet, language is not only about words.
Even the perfect words fall short coming from a body feeling illegitimate.
The perfect words don’t click if they’re not made yours, in your body.
The words don’t make an impact if they don’t emanate from a properly cultivated field of legitimacy.
Our legitimacy affects how our words land on the Other person or situation:
the Other decides if they want to collaborate with us based on how legitimate we feel on the inside, much more so than the actual words we say on the outside.
But, if you’ve been marginalized by your family, society or elsewhere for who you are and what you want to say, it can be hard to feel that legitimacy and worthiness.
The good news is, you can learn how to embody more legitimacy through principles, techniques, community and practice.
Join me in learning about the Language of Legitimacy.
"The Language of Legitimacy course is a must for any woman seeking to learn how to navigate in this world. I did this course at a very critical and chaotic time in the world and in my personal life. Mattie offered techniques and guidance to help ground me in a way that I had never experienced before. I looked forward to it every week in addition to seeing the group of women that were in the course and learning from them as we connected in a deep way over Zoom. Mattie brings unmatched wisdom, humor, and passion to every interaction." - Carly Wiggins, Wish Coordinator, April 2020 cohort member
The course fee is on a sliding scale $222-444 and will be conducted via weekly video Zoom calls and Whatsapp Q&A.
In it, you’ll learn how to communicate with legitimacy both personally and professionally, in both verbal and written communication. The course will also help you feel more secure that you’re doing your part socio-politically.
Your role and my role:
You bring your eagerness and receptivity, your emotional, spatial and financial investment. You bring your commitment to anti-racist practice.
I’ll bring my personal and professional confluence of mysticism, neuroscience, feminism, activism, playfulness and ancestor reverence along with my MBA, ICF, constellations, mindfulness and university instructor credentials. And, as always, my Italian-style beguiling.
Why this course? Why now?
The stakes are high.
We need those who have been marginalized to feel more safe to step into their power. We need more diverse voices represented for our societies to become more whole. And one crucial part of doing that is learning the language of legitimacy –– because, of course, the more legitimate we feel the safer we feel to speak.
Legitimacy addresses mind, body, spirit and psyche. Rooting ourselves in community-based energetic legitimacy integrates all of these human parts with soul-centric coalescence.
The group will also include owning one’s privilege, and including white privilege and financial privilege. This is a major component of feeling secure that you’re owning your adult role in society.
The course will also be a specific container of celebration and appreciation, as a core necessity in allowing a life led by legitimacy.
What are some examples that the Language of Legitimacy course could address?⠀⠀⠀⠀
“I need to feel more legitimate when…”
“…speaking with my boss/partner/child.”
“…writing to my ex-partner or desired lover.”
“…communicating with my parents, friends or colleagues.”
There’s also:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
“I need to get clear on what it is that I even want/need.”
“I know what I want but I never magnetize the human and other resources I need to get them.”
The Language of Legitimacy does not offer quick fixes or one-off solutions. The course offers a femininely pragmatic and energetic way of approaching how we move in the world…a way to clear the signal of our legitimacy.
The course offers process and community to increase one’s felt sense of legitimacy. One’s inner sense of legitimacy is not the same in all situations. One can feel legitimate in the office but not a home. One can feel very legitimate as an employee but not as a budding entrepreneur. One can feel effective with one child but not the other. One can feel like they make an impact with their friends but not in terms of social justice.
“The Language of Legitimacy course has changed my relationship to shame, rage and other challenging emotions. I have reclaimed energy that was blocking my freedom of expression. I cannot recommend this course enough. Mattie brings a seasoned and soulful approach along with playful and innovative tools to release old stories and patterns of thought and behavior that limit our joy and creativity.” - Jenny Russell, Wilderness Rites of Passage Guide, April 2020 cohort member
I’ll teach both the art and the science of communicating with legitimacy, starting with core principles and then facilitating experiments and play together with specific dilemmas and desires.
This will all be done via Zoom, email and Whatsapp.
We’ll have 5 live classes (recorded) on Mondays from 12-1:30pm EST and integration Q&A via Whatsapp group chat in between to address your personal real-world examples, blocks and challenges.
What we’ll do together:
During Week 1, we’ll use exercises and other sacred containers to find out what’s getting in the way of us feeling our most legitimate.
During Week 2, we’ll find clarity and nuance in mapping out the people and places where our legitimacy is in play.
During Week 3, we’ll discover a new depth of what we want to do and say.
During Week 4, we’ll commit to ways in continuing the allowance of our legitimacy to blossom, flourish and integrate.
During Week 5, we’ll reconcile the marginalization of womxn with white supremacy and other systemic oppressive forces. We’ll integrate our anti-racist practices with the language of legitimacy course content.
Register for the next cohort by emailing Next start date: Monday, September 14th.