A day-long virtual experience in identity realization and release.
They say to drop ego. Well, we have to get one to drop one.
We’ll use astrology (focusing on chandra symbols & north nodes) and the Enneagram to explore tendencies and conditioning in thinking, feeling and behaving. We’ll also use some scientific psychometric assessments and journal prompts (based on your specific inquiry and soul’s yearning). You’ll reflect on socio-political identity and the reconciliation of marginalization and privilege. Then, we’ll use Family Constellations and tarot to get a present-moment snapshot of desire and reality.
You email to select your date and pay $788.
You complete an intake process including a questionnaire and Enneagram assessment.
In our first 2 hours, we’ll explore the data and messages and identify some customized tools for alchemical clearing.
In between, you do some intentional journalling, artisting or other creative adventuring.
Later in the day, for another 2 hours, we’ll integrate and explore what we didn’t get to yet. We’ll employ constellations, tarot and other mechanisms to move wishes to experimentation and expression.
I’ll scribe up a summary and map of how to keep going and fully integrate what we uncover into your day-to-day reality.
6-12 weeks later, we’ll chat again for 30min to consecrate your exploration.
More dharma, less karma.
Oh, and also, I’ll curate a customized medicinal playlist for more assistance.